
Psicopedagogico address graduating in Philosophy at the University Federico II of Naples.
collaborated for over four years with various newspapers Basilicata, Campania and Calabria with reviews and articles on cultural background, including: La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, Il Marsicano, The Sirino, Sal. Ben. News, The sin of writing, Apollinea, L'Eco di Basilicata, the daily newspaper, La Nuova Basilicata.
He created space "Culture" in a network on www.Lucanianet.it who worked until 2004 and the literary blog LucaniArt with the poet Maria Pina Ciancio, in which the novel is analyzed and poetry in Basilicata.
has participated in a few competitions winning awards and nominations.
has participated as an oath to the following essay contests:
- Chiaromonte Award 2002;
- Literary Prize "Città di Scalea 2003 - poetry section
- Prize Literature "Carmelita Genga" 2007-1 Lindlar, Lauria
was responsible for the presentation of texts by famous poets and writers in various towns of Basilicata region, including Frank Arleo, Rocco De Rosa, Di Giacomo Felice.
E 'appeared in numerous anthologies and has been reviewed by the famous poet Maurizio Cucchi and critic for La Stampa in the mirror no. 351, 30 November 2002 and February 5, 2005, in which the poetry of the earth white bed was chosen as the winner of the week. E 'was chosen again as the winner of the week no. 544 of 9 December 2006 Mirror.
has published the collection "Roots of the Wind" - poems in May 2003 EDITION The Coscile
He won first prize Opera Prima Città di Scalea 2004, for the anthology The Roots of wind Coscile Ed, 2003.
He received his card from advertising to the Journalists of Basilicata in 2007.
E 'on the Board of Library of the City of Trecchina which is organizing cultural events for summer 2007 and winter 2008.
in 2007 has held a poetry workshop for students of the Pedagogical High School "De Sarlo" Lagonegro, within the project of reading by Prof. Gerardo Melchionda.
It 'a founding member of the Cultural NPO LucaniArt, where he held since May 12, 2007 the role of Vice President.
is implementing, together with the poet-essayist Maria Pina Ciancio anthology of poets Lucan. Is working on two new collections of poetry entitled "The plots of absence" and "The land of transit, as well as a collection of short stories.
Maria Luigia Iannotti
via E. Schettini, 33
Trecchina 85049 (Pz)
Trecchina 85049 (Pz)
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