All this frantic search, which started a few years ago (and since my oldest is only 3 and a half years should I already feel a little tired ...) the school's best and most exciting activities related English. This big, huge, hard, 'problem' of English! Problem is not the right word I would say better concern. The concern to put in the toolbox of the future that will make them a language to communicate, they will open to the world, they will be open to different cultures ... or at least I hope so. There are many things to think for themselves, their days to come. I must not discourage me if I want to learn this language although I must say that it is difficult to navigate through the many proposals, the high financial demands and the distances in a city like Rome. E 'already difficult to understand if I behave well or badly as a parent. Now I'm immersed in reading Bollea and therefore are also days of mental blowjobs how to grow them, what's transmit and so on. However, wandering around the net I find much comfort when I read the many posts and comments on the theme. My pulcione now goes to a nursery for both international and insist I have also enrolled in a bilingual English playgroup in a game where I come undone, and with great difficulty after a long day of work and, under these conditions, dancing and singing English as he climbs, running and screaming ... but the hope is that this works ancora.Ecco, the question is what works? Considering that children have this phase of passive learning is not easy to see what they have introjected and what not. It is easy to see that we have no choice if the school is good. We love the environment and the teachers, but it's worth it? Or should we invest in and send him to another school? We have chosen the right activities? "We should have a native English speaker nanny or try to have an au pair? Often when I try to talk to him in English he says 'mama do not talk like that!' . Maybe it's my fault that I have not spoken since he was small and probably perceived today as an imposition that I speak it when they know that I could turn to him in Italian. There are days when groping in the dark especially when I begin to think that I'm wrong and that I should do otherwise. It is not an elitist desire to hope the fact that they can speak English in the future without any problems. Everything comes from my awareness of the difficulties in 'approach language as an adult and effort that this involved, especially when I chose a job where English must be fluent! How many movies, many books in English I had to put up with without the pleasure to watch or read them because they were aware that part of the study, a duty. Here, I want the kids to learn today of course, without feeling obligated. Naturally, playing and singing and approaching this new world language. At this point the choice of school is fundamental or fundamental becomes compose a set of elements that help the school to the task of educating the second language. If you opted for the first would inevitably decide to make a good financial plan, after missing the waiting lists and the distances to pay even the bus service, if I were to opt for the latter to make a nice logistical between school and extracurricular activities which provide education to English. The fact that all this then going to duplicate when it also involved me besolina predicts critical scenarios. As usual, the ideas are many and all confused. Does anyone else experiences this dilemma? Comfort Me!
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