Because sometimes the head claim air, oxygen, various speeches, fly away from the routine and worries of schedules, meals and sleep. The entire head needs to be emptied into a glass of wine and soak in a conversation to have, and here are my slides into the cult TV series, a style Sex and The City, with a friend who is not just Samantha; would create a complex of them all! Why have not yet come to throw away the clothes and I do not have to do neither with nor with the maternity wear and jeans Mr.Marito (so that I have help in disposing waste of pregnancy 1 and pregnancy 2!). Why do I need a friendly face, whether friend-friend, the friend that we have chosen only when the belly was associated with Santa Claus, when the wine you quaff a liter (holding it perfectly, which alas I can not say with equal conviction today), when organizing a trip without being able to imagine the cost of a flight for a child over 2 and charge airlines for a child under 2. Why a dinner among old women or recent traveling companions from different fates, without the company of children, can be rejuvenated as an injection of gasoline when you're in red and give back confidence to talk about relationships between men and women, sex and aspirations. Why are we still logorrheic, noisy and able to share our diversity lightly and I am grateful. Because laughter is noisy and this time my children and not look back when and I'll make him listen to this evening, catching him off guard ... 'Mom why are you laughing so?'. Love 'because my mom likes to laugh so much it's just that sometimes you forget to do and know they can do well'.
Thank you girls!
Tips For the record, instead of this evening's ZOC, in Via delle Zoccoletto 22 in Rome, in the historical center, between Via Giulia, Campo dei Fiori. If time permits (and this October is hot and promising!) you can dine in the courtyard. The decor mixes vintage pieces that you can buy after having eaten up. The food & wine KM Zero is all that is locally produced. Tasty recipes and interesting. Report this blog
a Milanese who moved to Rome who enjoys reviewing the tables and Roman Bon Appetit!
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