Last night we went to the cinema. ONLY two of us. If I think of how much I love the cinema, I went there as before, even alone, it seems so strange now that it has become an event and, as such, surrounded by chills of expectation and solemnity. The research of the film is already a moment of pure pleasure, the headlines, read reviews, imagine already being sunk into the chair and the dark of the cinema. And at that time are already in ecstasy! I do not care if the movie I'll like it or not, the first thing that I caused a certain discomfort: 'And if he is crap? And if it is a disappointment? We can not leave the room first, not by you! ' I worry just put in a good position, without head of 2 meters tall people that, given the solemnity of the event and in fact of the moment, could find themselves having a conversation with me very uncomfortable and elegant! Well, that moment arrived last night. Only I had not expected (but as I still have not learned anything!) To be in order: tired, tired, and destroyed the eye to the shoulder. I hesitated and then I got strength. I went there. Two hours in the dark, without the background of a cartoon, mixed with screams, mixed with splashes of gruel mixed with pieces of cars in understanding the origin and then venture into the reconstruction. So, I decided. If I want to be a real nap without even the distant echo of a 'Mom I have to pee', I enter the cinema in my top ten of best places where to sleep. The other 9 I have not yet found. But do not give up!
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